Saturday, March 9, 2013

Interviwe with Doug Ranie

Doug Raine has been in the film industry for 30 years.  He has worked in a variety of production positions, mostly as an assistant director. His first film was STARMAN and his most recent film, THE LIFEGUARD premieres this week at Sundance in the dramatic competition. Some of the nicer films he has worked on were THE PROGRAM, GHOST AND THE DARKNESS, MEN OF HONOR, and REIGN OF FIRE. His first feature as writer/producer/director, FROM A PLACE OF DARKNESS has won a few awards including “Best Horror Film.”

Question 1: When dealing with people you don't get along with how to you separate the person form the problem?

He has knowledge of all the jobs in the film industry, even though he may not know all the facets of every job, he knows enough to get through problems that may arise. If he doesn’t get along with someone, he makes sure they have all the information to get their job done. If they have trouble getting their job done, he then strives to make sure problems don’t arise… even if that means more work for him. Raine say’s that “the main objective is to get the film done in the safest and most productive way.” 

Question 2: When dealing with Objective Criteria how does 3rd party standers help you in negotiations? 

Raine utilized experience from past films as the “3rd party standard” in dealing with Objective Criteria in negotiations. He usually relies on two or three examples to back up his side of the negotiation. However, he also tries to remain open to the big picture that the other person may be offering.

Question 3: How do you avoid dirty tactics and deal with them in negotiations?

He has found that being upfront and honest works the best to avoid dirty tactics. Again, he will back up his facts with examples from past films. Often, in talking with someone in a negotiation… if you listen to them you may be ale to determine their knowledge and their honesty. This information helps him decide if he wants to work with them. 

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